Another interesting activity we take part in as International Student Ambassadors is called Skype compaign. A lot of international students have conditional offers before they join Aston and we are still waiting for their response. Quite a few of them find it challenging to make a decision as to which univeristy it would be better for them to join. Especially if people have never been to the UK before, they might experience some difficulties making such important decisions in their lives.
The main purpose of this activity is to try and help all international students to answer questions they might have regarding all aspects of life in Birmingham, studying at Aston and about this country in general. We have a list of people who still hold offers and we call them ourselves and explain that we are there for them to help with anything It is particularly useful that it is being coducted by us, students, as we have experienced this life abroad ourselves and believe that we can actually give them a valuable advise before they join us in September.