Monday, 11 March 2013

Research Seminars

Research seminars are short academic events being organised at Aston Business School. There are a few academic groups and each group holds its own seminars couple of times a month. They usually take place during lunchtime and academics from different business schools present their research work. Presentations last for about half an hour after which everyone can join the discussion. 

A few weeks before a seminar is organised we receive an email with detailed description of the planned event, i.e. name of the presenter, title of the seminar and paper abstract; therefore we have time to decide whether this particular topic would be relevant for our research and prepare for it. Of course we are able to attend any seminar we are interested in, it does not have to be related to our research theme. 

It is extremely useful for PhD students as we get an opportunity to express our thoughts in a friendly academic environment and discuss our ideas with other fellow students as well as lecturers. It is also helpful to get ideas for our own research.